July Instructor Spotlight: Peter Rabogliatti

This Month's Star Instructor!

Name: Peter Rabogliatti
Nickname: Peter Rabbit, Big Pete
Birthday: August 16


Where were you born? 
Virginia Beach

When did you start teaching at iNLeT? 
June 2019
Who is your go-to person for life advice?
My mom.

You won $1 million — what is the first thing you do?
Buy a Ferrari!!

What is one of your favorite childhood memories?
The first time I learned to ride a bike

What would someone tell you is your best quality?
My personality

What is your dream vacation?
I would love to travel around Europe and see soccer stadiums. Some are as grand as cathedrals.

What is your “go to” workout move?
I love the tribe moves such as the rhino beetle and seesaw push ups.



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