Name: Amy Abbott
Birthday: July 17
Where were you born? Milwaukee WI
When did you start teaching at iNLeT? 2002
What brought you to iNLeT Fitness?
I moved here from Wisconsin in 2002 – Inlet Fitness was highly recommended!
What is your favorite thing to do outside of the gym?
Spending time outdoors with my daughter (e.g., walking, biking, playing)
What moment in your life made you feel “lucky”?
Meeting my husband on when we were both on a trial.
If you were going to be trapped on a deserted island for 7 days,
what 3 things would you bring with you?
what 3 things would you bring with you?
Quest protein bars, a collection of Brene Brown books, and Burts Bees chapstick.
What song makes you smile anytime you hear it?
Word Up! by Cameo
Who is your go to person for life advice?
My mother – with all her experience and strength.