Save the Date for a Restorative Sound Bath!

Find Deep Relaxation and Inner Peace at iNLeT Fitness

Friday, August 9, 2024
5:30pm – 6:30pm

Sound healing starts with the understanding that everything is vibration. From molecules and atoms to the stars and planets on a more macro celestial level. Everything is vibration. Not just what we hear with our ears, but those vibrations that are happening at the ultrasonic and infrasonic levels as well.

Even our thoughts have vibrations. Our thoughts have sound. Our bodies operate most healthfully when all our systems are operating at optimal frequencies and when the body is in harmony or resonance with itself.

If a part of you, whether body, mind, or spirit is out of balance you experience disease. I use instruments and intention to bring you back into balance and harmony with yourself. This can reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and many other imbalances of the mind and the body.

Register for this special event at iNLeT Fitness here!

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