November is Yoga Awareness Month at iNLeT Fitness

Celebrating Yoga at Our Virginia Beach Gym

Join us throughout the month for special events and classes to introduce EVERY body to yoga to find the practice that best fits into their workout routine.

“The practice of yoga has been around for thousands of years & still is relevant today. I have found through my own personal journey that “Yoga” will meet me where I am. This means if I need to move my body there is asana (postures/poses) if my mind is racing there’s pranayama (breath control) & meditation.

I am thrilled iNLeT’s yoga program has so many offerings so that all bodies can get what they need on the mat. The practice is meant to unify the mind and the body to create the ultimate feeling of joy and freedom. iNLeT’s Yoga Awareness month gives all bodies the opportunity to experience the practice that best suits their fitness routine. We invite you to bring a friend or try a new class. From hot yoga, vinyasa and YIN to BUTI, iNLeT’s yoga department is diverse enough that everyone can find what they are looking for. iNLeT’s yoga department is staffed with amazing teachers who are excited to have you try something new and answer any questions you have.

We hope to see you all soon!”

-Katie Kramer, Director iNLeT Fitness Yoga   

 November 11th – 24th is BRING A FRIEND FOR FREE TO YOGA AT iNLeT Fitness! First Class is FREE $5 per class after that (*non-members).

Grab your mat! Grab your friends! Come to yoga at iNLeT Fitness!

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